Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM
YMCA Before & After School Enrichment is that special time before school and at the end of school for children whose parents are at work. The YMCA can make this a great time to grow, to play and to be with friends. YMCA Before & After School Enrichment programs are not just supervised playgrounds. We strive to maintain a ratio that provides plenty of individual attention as well as a small group activity.
YMCA Before & After School Enrichment is held at the school your child attends. Hours for Chatham County are from 6:30 a.m. until the start of school and the end of school until 6:00 p.m.
El Cuido del YMCA Antes y Despues en la escuela es en la misma escuela que asiste su hijo. El horario de cuido por las escuelas en Chatham County es de las 6:30 a.m. hasta las 6:00 p.m.
Need more information? Click here for frequently asked questions!
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is currently open. We encourage you to complete early, as some school sites fill up quickly. You can register online here.
To register, please log into your YMCA of Coastal Georgia online account. To complete registration, program accounts cannot have a past due balance. Detailed registration instructions are available below.
For instructions, click here.
Click here to request a change to your YBASE registration, or scan the below QR code.
Y-BASE Office Hours of Operations: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Hours for Student Registrations: Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Lo necessario para el registro de cuido para la escuela antes y despues.
– Completed enrollment packet online with registration (Paquete de inscripcion completado en linea con registro)
– Current immunization record (3231 Form) (Registro de vacunacion actual)
– Proof of current lunch status (if receiving free or reduced lunch) (Prueba del estado actual del almuerzo-si recieve el almuerzo gratis or reducido)
– $40 registration fee per child ($40 por el registor por nino)
Tuition payments are due weekly, every Friday prior to weeks of service. A $10 late fee is assessed for tuition payments not received by due date.
Pagos de matricula son debidos semanalmente todos los viernes. Si el pago no es recivido, va a ver una debida de $10 ensima.
Weekly Tuition Matricula Semanal | Full Almuerzo Entero | Reduced Almuerzo Reducido | Free Almuerzo Gratiz |
Both Sessions (Los Dos Sessiones) | $70.00 | $50.00 | $50.00 |
Mornings Only (Solo de Madrugada) | $30.00 | $25.00 | $25.00 |
Afternoons Only (Solo de Tarde) | $40.00 | $25.00 | $25.00 |
Tuition for EACH participants is considered full tuition until a supporting lunch letter from SCCPSS Nutrition Department Species a reduction.
Matricula for cada niño seraria considerado como un pago entero hasta que recivimos la letra de almuerzo.
The qualification for a reduced or free tuition rate for YMCA Before & After School Enrichment tuition is based on the direct determination of an income based lunch application provided by the Board of Education. To receive lunch status verification or to obtain a copy or email, contact the SCCPSS Nutrition Department at 912-395-5548. Letters may be sent via email to [email protected]. Please include in email subject [school name – child name].
Los qualificaciones serarian desponibles para tender el almuerzo gratiz o reducido para la programa de YMCA son del Distrito escolar. La verificacion serariar contestado cuando lleve los capeles del almuerzo. Con preguntas se puede contractar al Departmento de Nutricion al 912-395-5548. Monde las repuestas de la letra del almuerzo con el correo electronico a la senor [email protected].
The YMCA Before- and After-School Enrichment (YBASE) program is pleased to provide care for your child All tuition must be paid via weekly, biweekly or monthly autodraft. Payments are due each Friday for the following week’s services. There is a $10 late fee applied to payments not received on Fridays by the close of business. An account balance more than two weeks past due will result your removal from the program, and release of your slot to the next person on the waiting list. Once the slot has been released, you will have to pay a $40 re-enrollment fee and be added to the bottom of the waiting list. Balances for all programs–not just YBASE–must be paid in full prior to re-enrollment. For more information on payment processing, please review the YBASE 2022-2023 Parent Manual.
Pagos de matricula son debidos semanalmente todos los viernes. Si el pago no es recivido, va a ver una debida de $10 ensima.
YBASE 2022-2023 Parent Manual
Additional Pick Up Authorization
Please contact the YMCA Before & After School Enrichment main office (912-351-3622) for further instructions.
Help us improve our program by scanning the QR code below or clicking here to complete the YBASE Parent Satisfaction Survey 22-23!
Please fill out an application by searching for available jobs HERE.
YBASE Director: Joquana Kelson
District Director: Felicia Thompson
District Director: Katrina Ellis
District Director: Shegin Jones
First Impression Specialist: Sharon Harden